To create a series of illustrative elements to be used for a cover and supporting article in an edition of The Newyorker. The illustration is created and coloured using textures gathered by the creator to create a unique feel for the final piece.
I began this process by sourcing The Newyorker articles which I believed to be important to the wider world as well as to my own personal struggles.  For this purpose, I chose an article on the Elli Lilly drug company and their scalping of lifesaving medications for the purposes of profit.
I used natural mediums in order to sketch many ideas relating to these concepts and articles, before then doing a physical inking and importing into Adobe Photoshop.
When converted into a digital format, I used a series of the collected photo textures and simple colour overlays in order to fill in the remainder of the illustrations, creating an engaging and meaningful final composition.
Medium/Tools Used
These Compositions are all made using a series of natural medium drawings, photography and digital stitching in Adobe Photoshop to maximize the impact of all three illustrations.

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