To create a photobash poster of a fictional movie, which does not star a human actor as the focal point of the design, the poster needed to contain all of the required legal text and logos for the movie's creation.
I chose to create a poster based on a sci-fi concept with a dystopian atmosphere with a plot reminiscent of both Blade Runner and the given.
I began my work with traditional mediums, sketching out the different concepts and themes of the movie, before, then building a composition to house the ideas. My final concept followed some design philosophies from rapture and retro-futurism design.
The final poster was made with many different elements and effects from multiple programs which are then stitched together to create a sense of depth, energy and dystopian fantasy
Medium/Tools Used
I used both Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create all of the different element treatments and designs, while I then used Photoshop to merge all of the different aspects together and create the overall themes and visual effects at play.

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